Blog Post

november, 2023

01nov4:00 pm01dec5:00 pmNational Novel Writing Month Events @ Bookmans Cafe(november 1) 4:00 pm - (december 1) 5:00 pm Bookmans Entertainment Exchange Flagstaff, 1520 S Riordan Ranch St.


Event Details

Join us in the Bookmans Cafe to meet your NaNoWriMo goals this November!


Flagstaff Chapter host Lydia Gates will be hosting community write-ins and parties to motivate you this month to hit your goal.



11/ 1 @ 4 PM NaNoWriMo Kick Off Party!

11/3 @ 5 PM – 7 PM Write In Community – Come write in the cafe with others to motivate yourself! Flagstaff chapter Host Lydia Gates will be there to help!

11/11 @ 10 AM – 12 PM Write In Community

11/18 @ 10 AM – 12 PM Write In Community

11/25 @ 10 AM – 12 PM Write In Community

12/1 @ 5 PM – 7 PM Thank Goodness Its Over Party!


What is NaNoWriMo?

National Novel Writing Month began in 1999 as a daunting but straightforward challenge: to write 50,000 words of a novel in thirty days. Now, each year on November 1, hundreds of thousands of people around the world begin to write, determined to end the month with a first draft. They enter the month as elementary school teachers, mechanics, or stay-at-home parents. They leave novelists.

And now, you’re going to be one of them!

But first:

  • “Do I need something special to write a novel?”
    Nope! Not even an idea (though that can help). You just need something to write with, some time set aside, and the ability to power through moments of writerly despair in order to reach new creative heights.
  • “What if it’s not any good?”
    Then you’ll be in illustrious company! Most first drafts aren’t very good. They have moments of greatness, but also moments of, well, not-so-greatness. Think of the first draft as making the clay that you’ll use later to sculpt the story of your dreams. (Also, who gets to decide what “good” means? You do, that’s who!)
  • “Do I have to publish it?”
    If you want to! Some NaNoWriMo writers go on to traditionally publish their novels (including Marissa Meyer, Elizabeth Acevedo, and Emily X. R. Pan). Others self-publish, or share their novels with their friends or family. For many other writers, the act of creating is enough. We call anyone who reaches the 50,000 word-count goal a “winner,” but we believe that anyone who writes with us gets something out of it, no matter how many words they produce.
  • “I’m not sure where to start!”
    Well then, Writer, grab your fuzziest slippers and most literary beverage, because you are in the right place…

Learn more here:


November 1 (Wednesday) 4:00 pm - December 1 (Friday) 5:00 pm


Bookmans Entertainment Exchange Flagstaff

1520 S Riordan Ranch St.

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