Argh, ahoy maties! I heard there was hidden symbols that lead to treasure at Bookmans East. Let’s set out to ye’ store on June 9th from 10-11am and find that treasure!

About The Circus Academy of Tucson
The Circus Academy of Tucson’s mission is to provide a well-rounded and diverse education in circus and theater arts to youth and adults in the Tucson community. We offer circus arts and aerial acrobatics classes and camps to all levels and ages, including aerial silks, lyra, trapeze, sling, contortion, juggling, plate spinning, tightrope, stilts and more!
Do we need to register for kids summer events?
Hello Barbara! Some of the Summer Kids events do require require registration as they have seat or supply limitations, but many are open for walk-in attendance. You can always reserve a seat by emailing [store] just in case. Thanks!