6 Reasons to Go to the Theater
I was born and raised in the small town of Prescott, Arizona. With such a tiny community, there weren’t many theatrical opportunities for children and teens, but I still jumped in on any and all shows that I could. Two years ago I moved to Tucson and experienced serious culture shock! There were theater companies out the wazoo and I was stoked. Even better, each theater company I went to put on actual high-quality shows. The holiday season is the perfect time to get out of the cold to see some outstanding theater around Tucson. Here are some of our favorite theater companies and their next productions.
Roadrunner Theatre Company
Onstage till December 23rd at the Roadrunner Theatre Company is Inspecting Carol by Daniel J. Sullivan. This show introduces a small theater company in a mid-sized city putting on their annual slapdash performance of The Christmas Carol. Of course, chaos ensues! Scrooge wants to do the show in Spanish, Tim is no longer Tiny, and the company is struggling to stay above water!
Arizona Theatre Company
Are those seventy-six trombones that I hear? The Arizona Theatre Company will be performing The Music Man by Meredith Wilson in both Tucson during December and Phoenix in January. This show is one of my personal favorites. Big time con man Harold Hill rolls into River City, Iowa intent on swindling the town into starting a boys’ band with promises of a wagon filled with horns provided by the salesman himself!
Something Something Theatre
“Who knew that higher physics could be so sexy, so accessible—and so emotionally devastating,” – The New Yorker. Throughout December, Something Something Theater will be performing Constellations by Nick Payne. An amazing show that combines two seemingly separate things: science and love.
Broadway In Tucson
Ever thought about what it was like writing the first ever musical? Something Rotten by John O’Farrell is set in the year 1595 when two brothers, desperate to write a hit play, are confronted by a soothsayer telling them that the future of theater is filled with acting, singing, and dancing at the same time. These brothers set out to create the world’s first musical. Tickets for Something Rotten are available now!
Live Theatre Workshop
America’s most beloved comic strip comes to life in Warren Lockhart and Arthur Whitelaw’s production of Snoopy!!! (Three exclamation marks intended.) Live Theatre Workshop brings this show to the stage through December. Tuneful, charming, and hilarious, this show takes you right back to those Sunday mornings, eating breakfast, and finding out what your favorite characters from Peanuts are up to!
Bookmans East
We are proud to present our very first play, The Christmas Tree by Norm Foster at Bookmans East (6230 East Speedway Blvd) on December 21st. Two strangers. One Christmas tree left for sale on Christmas Eve. Each gives reason after reason why they are more deserving of the tree. And each story is more ridiculous than the last. The Christmas Tree is a comedy filled with laughter, loss, and a generous dose of Christmas spirit. You can reserve seats by e-mailing eastevents@bookmans.com! This show is 100% free and open to all ages and lovers of the theater!
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