Find Your #ThirdPlace at Bookmans
Arizona is known for its beautiful landscapes, open space, entertaining cities and, of course, radical weather. Flagstaff during monsoon season can be a conundrum. One minute it’s 80 degrees, the next minute it’s kinda snowing. No seriously, that really happens. Flagstaff also has a winter season that frequently sends residents south to Phoenix and Tucson. Conversely, the weather in Central and Southern Arizona is quite dreamy during the winter but excruciatingly hot in the summertime. Between all of us, we take every opportunity to summer or snowbird within this awesome space that is Arizona. If you can’t get away, I offer this advice for escaping the elements – come hang out with us at Bookmans! What better way to seek relief from the heat or stay out of the rain than to spend time at your local Bookmans Entertainment Exchange. No matter what’s going on outside, Bookmans is the perfect third place – not work or home, but an excellent space to hang. Weather (pun intended) it’s a gallery full of treasure hunting delights, an epic LP search or a cozy reading chair for story time, each of our stores has its own something special to share with you. We’ve even compiled a list for your perusal. Check it out!
Bookmans Tucson – (3 locations: Midtown, East and Northwest)
What makes these locations special is that Tucson is where it all began. The first Bookmans was on the corner of Broadway and Tucson Blvd., then moved to Grant Rd. and then most recently moved to its current location as the Midtown store on Speedway. Each of these stores has a huge presence with the local scene and is iconic to the city itself. My favorite thing: The Gallery Departments in each of these stores! One time I found a really cool vintage leather hatbox that latches. I also have a fun mismatched dish collection that started at the East store. All of these locations are also known for their variety of events. I once saw a yoga class going on while I was shopping.
This store is special because it features an awesome Geeking Out Corner with an impeccable comic book collection and really neat new collectibles. The electronics department sells computer parts and extra supplies for all of us tech addicts and geeks. My favorite thing: The retro toys and comic books. It’s a nostalgia overload!
This store is special because of its design. They have a separate counter specifically for electronics. It is also a stop on the Valley Metro Light Rail which connects the store to the Central Corridor, Downtown Phoenix, Tempe and Mesa – making a trip to Bookmans Phoenix super accessible to everyone. My favorite thing: Story Garden with Mr. Eden every Wednesday morning at 10 a.m. There’s storytelling, there’s dancing, there’s singing and bubbles…like, LOTS of bubbles!
This store is special because it has something none of the other stores has, a cafe! That’s right! This store keeps you caffeinated so you can browse until you can browse no more. They also carry a delicious selection of locally baked goods and other items of the non-caffeinated persuasion. But yeah, it’s a great spot to hang out when it’s nasty outside. My favorite thing: Because this is the store at which I work, I must answer this question with caution in order to avoid being very biased. But I’ll just say that I am eating my second chocolate chip cookie from the cafe today, there is a new stack of hard to find LPs that just came in that I am looking through and I just saw a cool accordion downstairs…Okay, I’ll stop now.
We hope you will find your way into all of our locations and experience them for yourself! No matter what the weather is, we have new things coming in every day that we can’t wait to show you. Also, be sure to check out our Events Calendar to see what is happening in our stores. See you soon!
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