Do You Have Bibliophelia Southwestus?
When traveling and adventuring to new places, I always subconsciously bring a reminder of home with me. Always, it is in the form of a favorite book that has been read at least a dozen times and almost always it is by a regional author. I’m sure there is some deep, psychological term for this habit (especially because the books always seem to have a Southwestern flavor to them), but for now I will call it Bibliophelia-Southwestus. I’m pretty sure there is no cure and until there is one, here are a few selections I read while I am on an adventure. You can find most of these titles at your friendly neighborhood Bookmans!
This is a great story about the importance of belonging, community and what to do with used tires. Most of the story takes place in Tucson Arizona, which is where Kingsolver lived for 20 years after attending the University of Arizona. One favorite line: “Do you know, I spent the first half of my life avoiding motherhood and tires, and now I’m counting them as blessings?” I’m sure there are a few of us that can relate.
This book inspired environmental movements, it questions morality and gave “monkey wrench” a whole new definition. I will usually pack the sequel Hayduke Lives so I can keep the saga going. One favorite line: “One man alone can be pretty dumb sometimes, but for real bona fide stupidity, there ain’t nothing can beat teamwork.”
A traveling companion picked this up by mistake a few years ago thinking it was a Tony Hillerman book I had asked for (this is his daughter). It was a happy mistake! Anne continues his legacy of word painting the southwest around mystery and suspense. One favorite moment: “Sopaipillas? I love sopaipillas,” “I know you do. Miniature fry breads. Puffy. Served with honey or stuffed with ground meat, onions, chile.” You know a story takes place in the southwest when the characters are talking about sopaipillas or frybread.
Whether you suffer from Bibliophelia-Southwestus, or Bibliophelia-Because-Books-Are-Awesome, be sure to check out what your local Bookmans has on its shelves before adventuring. All of our stores have you covered when it comes to finding that one novel or author you want to take with you time and time again!
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