Geeking Out | Con Man The Game
Mobile gaming is the hottest thing right now, with thousands of games offered on Google Play and iTunes. As a long time gamer, it took me a while to get into the idea of casual mobile gaming, especially since my phone does little to rival the graphics and power of my PS4 or gaming PC. However, there is one genre of games that will always hook me no matter what platform it is on – simulation games. I adore any game that takes what should be the boring monotony of life and turns it into a fun time-management simulation game. Two games in particular have caught my interest recently: Con Man the Game and Fallout Shelter. Let’s take a look at Con Man.
Con Man the Game is based off of the hilarious web series by Firefly alum Alan Tudyk. In the web series Con Man, Alan plays a sci-fi actor who attends numerous conventions to meet fans (and pay his bills). In Con Man the Game, you play a convention organizer who must build and manage your own convention from scratch. You start off with a limited amount of funds and a couple of exhibitor booths, and you must make money to purchase more exhibitors, better facilities (bathrooms, trash bins, food vendors), and expand your convention to keep up with the demand of fans. You must also keep your con goers happy by quickly addressing any problems that arise like flooded bathrooms, full trash bins and fending off alien attacks with the aid of Super Fans who fight on your behalf.
It may sound tedious, and it is, but that’s the fun of simulation games. After years of attending geek conventions in real life, it is strangely relaxing to run my own convention in a game. This is the type of game that doesn’t require much thought, just a fast pointer finger.
Con Man the Game also features some hilarious Easter eggs from the show, like Joss Whedon as a janitor, Felicia Day as your advisor, and Kevin Smith as a security guard. If you have watched the Con Man series, or just want to try a hand at simulation, check this game out. There’s no better way to psych yourself up for an upcoming convention than by running one in a game. It’s also great for killing time while waiting in long lines. Con Man the Game is free for Android and MacOS so what are you waiting for? Happy gaming!
By C’loni Bailey (Asst Manager at Bookmans Mesa)
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