Unpacking Kendrick Lamar’s Album “DAMN”
Kendrick Lamar has without a doubt been one of the best storytellers in the rap industry. His newly released album “DAMN.”, tells emotional stories about character, honor, society, politics, culture and religion. With fourteen tracks and a 55 minute run-time, this is one to listen to a few times to wrap your mind around Lamar’s lyrics. The majority of the album is simple but gets real heavy at times. Let’s be honest, we can’t really expect anything less from Kendrick. With that being said, here are some of my favorites as I continue to unpack this album. Trust me this wasn’t easy!
This track features the one and only Rihanna, I’m sure this one will be a part of the summer hype soundtrack of 2017. It’s definitely a lot more relaxed than his other tracks and it’s dope to hear Rihanna and Lamar work together from bar to bar.
11. XXX.
Kendrick goes in speaking his mind on politics and social issues. This might be the most important track on the album. I was a little unsure of what to expect with a collaboration with U2. I have to say it was far from disappointing! Kendrick easily coasts through many different sounds.
12. FEAR.
This is the longest track on the album and probably one I would say I personally relate to the most. This track deals with anxiety. insecurities, and how it all ties in with life. He talks about how his struggles and most of all his fears that changed from childhood to teen years and up through his 20’s. He says that some kind of fear always continues to follow us, sharing his struggle of getting rid of fear or whatever it was that was causing it. Getting towards the end of the track he says, “I wonder if I’m living through fear or living through rap.” Strong statement Kendrick.
For Kendricks’s older albums, we suggest coming by Bookmans today. His older work is just as monumental and is the basis for the love that we have for new releases. For more on his current work and a sneak peak into his new musical release visit his website here.
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