New Year, New You, New House
With the year off to a new start, many of us are full steam ahead with our resolutions. Get healthy, eat right, exercise more, spend more time with family and friends — working on all of them. Let’s consider for a moment WHERE we will do these things. Your home is your castle, so along with your fresh start think about a fresh start for your house. Move forward with a new year, new you, new house.
Clear out all those things you don’t use anymore. You can bring a wide variety of things to Bookmans for cash or trade credit. If we can’t use it, Bookmans Sports might! Then with the trade credit you receive, begin your crusade to customize.
With Same Place, More Space by Champley and Chronicle Books you can learn how to make the most of the space you are in. Uncover hidden space in your home and maximize your place’s space with style and economy. Handmade Modern by Todd Oldham provides an array of projects from test tube gardens to daybed libraries to color copy wallpaper. With recommendations from Amy Sedaris and Martha Stewart, Oldham’s guide can give you the tips and tricks to get your place hip.
Are you a DIY King or Queen? Grab a copy of Reader’s Digest Fix-It-Yourself Manual. This home repair tome will teach you how to repair, clean and maintain everything in and around your home. This comprehensive book includes a chapter on appliances that explains the basics of wafflers, corn poppers and slow cookers. It’s a must have for any home repair project. You could also read Joanne Liebeler’s Do It Herself, a clever and clear manual that gives you the power to take control of home repairs and improvements. We can’t forget the classics. Many will remember Hints from Heloise, the original Lifestyle Manager. Heloise from A to Z offers the best known household hints from America’s expert.
Once the repairs are done, it’s time to decorate. Bookmans Speedway has multiple titles from The Home Depot library. From Decorating Projects to Decorative Painting, these home reference gurus will guide you step by step. If you want to get super fancy we have titles like Eco Deco by Stewart and Sally Walton. This dynamic duo demonstrates how to make the most of recyclable materials to make your home a palace. Whether it is painting, wood working or cleaning the clutter Bookmans will help you give your home a new face for the new you.
* Bookmans can not guarantee stock. If there is a specific item mentioned in this post that you are interested in, give your local Bookmans a call and a staff member will be happy to assist you.
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