Ticket Tuesdays — Arizona Museum of Natural History Membership
**CONTEST CLOSED**This summer, there hasn’t been a movie more anticipated than Jurassic World. Ever wonder which dinosaurs roamed Arizona? Our state had a very different landscape 65 million years ago. Dinosaur life wasn’t as easy as the Jurassic Park franchise might lead you to believe….
Wine, OH Dino is back with Beer ‘N Bones
Arizona Museum of Natural History hosts Wine, OH Dino from 6 to 10 p.m. on Friday, March 14. This year they return with Beer ‘N Bones, a 21+ event featuring local craft beers and savory fare. The evening’s festivities include science related fun, food, beverages…
Wine, OH Dino is back with Beer 'N Bones
Arizona Museum of Natural History hosts Wine, OH Dino from 6 to 10 p.m. on Friday, March 14. This year they return with Beer ‘N Bones, a 21+ event featuring local craft beers and savory fare. The evening’s festivities include science related fun, food, beverages…
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