My Take: Ready Player One Movie Review
*SPOILERS AHEAD* Taking place half in Columbus, Ohio and half in a virtual playground known as the Oasis, Ready Player One follows the story of Wade Watts, a young “gunter” amongst millions all vying for the same prize. Wade and all the others are searching…
Planet of the Apes 50th Anniversary Facts
On March 27th, 1968, Planet of the Apes hit cinemas in Los Angeles, California. It quickly grew to be one of the largest films of the year and one of the biggest movie franchises in history. But did you know the movie had its share of…
How To Watch a Movie When You’ve Read the Book
Hey, hey friends. Is the book-to-movie trend getting you down? Do you feel sad when you’ve read the book and the movie just doesn’t compare? Are you still reeling from a certain character’s absence (e-hem, Madge Undersee)? Let Bookmans help. We developed a fool proof…
How To Watch a Movie When You've Read the Book
Hey, hey friends. Is the book-to-movie trend getting you down? Do you feel sad when you’ve read the book and the movie just doesn’t compare? Are you still reeling from a certain character’s absence (e-hem, Madge Undersee)? Let Bookmans help. We developed a fool proof…
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