My Take: Ready Player One Movie Review
*SPOILERS AHEAD* Taking place half in Columbus, Ohio and half in a virtual playground known as the Oasis, Ready Player One follows the story of Wade Watts, a young “gunter” amongst millions all vying for the same prize. Wade and all the others are searching…
Spring and Green April Events
Springtime is here! We have plans to get outdoors, engage with the community and renew our environmental efforts. With Earth Day right around the corner, we expose our Green Heart. Additionally, each store hosts free and fun events get the most of Spring Celebrations and…
Happy Hoppin’ at Bookmans Speedway
Bookmans Speedway loves to celebrate! There is a perfect reason to rejoice right around the corner — Egg-cellent Easter is on the way! Make this holiday memorable for your little hoppers, by taking an egg-cursion to Bookmans Speedway. We will throw our own party from…
Happy Hoppin' at Bookmans Speedway
Bookmans Speedway loves to celebrate! There is a perfect reason to rejoice right around the corner — Egg-cellent Easter is on the way! Make this holiday memorable for your little hoppers, by taking an egg-cursion to Bookmans Speedway. We will throw our own party from…
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