New Young Adult Section Inspires Recommendations
Given the popularity and the increase in the number of Young Adult titles, the section at Bookmans Speedway needed to expand. We moved the YA books to their own spot at the end of the Geek Zone. Relocating YA from the Kids Room is important…
How To Watch a Movie When You’ve Read the Book
Hey, hey friends. Is the book-to-movie trend getting you down? Do you feel sad when you’ve read the book and the movie just doesn’t compare? Are you still reeling from a certain character’s absence (e-hem, Madge Undersee)? Let Bookmans help. We developed a fool proof…
How To Watch a Movie When You've Read the Book
Hey, hey friends. Is the book-to-movie trend getting you down? Do you feel sad when you’ve read the book and the movie just doesn’t compare? Are you still reeling from a certain character’s absence (e-hem, Madge Undersee)? Let Bookmans help. We developed a fool proof…
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