Before Storming Area 51…
It is official. September 20th, 2019 will be the day America finally discovers what exactly is going on at the famous military landmark Area 51. Sort of. For decades, this mysterious facility has haunted conspiracy theorists. It has become a backbone of inspiration for hundreds…
Silver Cat: An Ode to Stranger Things 3
This 4th of July, while many of us hurried to the outdoors and cooked food for family and friends, lounged by the pool, and watched fireworks glitter across the sky, some of us were more concerned with other things; stranger things. Like what the heck…
Cassette Tapes: The New Vinyl
You may have thought cassette tapes had died with the 90’s. We’re excited to say that they are back! The resurgence of vinyl has been steady for the past decade, but it isn’t the only media that has come back. In 2016, cassette tapes sales…
Sci-Fi Shows You Need to Binge Watch
Nothing beats that feeling you get when you finally find a good show to watch. What’s even better is finding a show so good you can’t stop watching. I’m talking about the stay-up-til-3:00-AM-again-even-though-you-promised-yourself-you-wouldn’t kind of shows. Once you’re hooked, it’s hard to stop! Trust me,…
Everyone Loves Dungeons & Dragons
Dungeons & Dragons isn’t geek culture, it’s pop culture. For the uninitiated, Dungeons & Dragons is a fantasy tabletop role-playing game. Of course, for those who play, it’s so much more than that. At its core, D&D is about storytelling; it’s about you and your friends telling a…
Everyone Loves Dungeons & Dragons
Dungeons & Dragons isn’t geek culture, it’s pop culture. For the uninitiated, Dungeons & Dragons is a fantasy tabletop role-playing game. Of course, for those who play, it’s so much more than that. At its core, D&D is about storytelling; it’s about you and your friends telling a…
Bookmans Recommends: Fox’s Revamped Horror Classic “The Exorcist”
Demonic possession is back, in a HUGE way. After years of domination by sparkly vampires and walking zombies, pop culture has fallen back in love with an good old-fashioned demon casting exorcism. What is the holy hype all about? “The belief in evil and the…
Bookmans Recommends: Fox's Revamped Horror Classic "The Exorcist"
Demonic possession is back, in a HUGE way. After years of domination by sparkly vampires and walking zombies, pop culture has fallen back in love with an good old-fashioned demon casting exorcism. What is the holy hype all about? “The belief in evil and the…
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