The True Legend of Hunter S. Thompson
We presume the world is familiar with the book/movie Fear and Loathing in Las Vegas. If not, the name Hunter S. Thompson at least strikes a chord. He’s the father of gonzo jouranlism who dove neck deep into alcohol-fueled drug binges yet still wrote masterfully crafted articles, the guy who requested his ashes be shot out of a cannon after his death in 2005 at the age of 67, the guy who shot books when fans asked him to autograph them, the guy who bought himself a mail order doctorate so he could refer to himself as “Dr.” He’s that guy, and these aren’t even the best examples of why he’s the ultimate bad ass.
* Hell’s Angels. Enough said? Thompson rode, partied, lived and eventually survived a stomp down from the Angels.
* “Raucous” Behavior. During the filming of Fear and Loathing, Thompson was kicked off his own set due to his inappropriate behavior.
* Rebel’s Discharge. Despite Thompson’s drug habit, he was in the military for 3 years. He was dishonorably discharged but his records indicate, “this airman, although talented, will not be guided by policy. Sometimes his rebel and superior attitude seems to rub off on other airmen staff members.”
* Costly Coke. Thompson didn’t just buy a little bit of cocaine; he’d buy two million dollars worth of it.
* Political Aspiration. Thompson ran for Sheriff in Aspen, Colorado and nearly won.
* Star Crew. Bill Murray, Johnny Depp, John Cusack, Jack Nicholson and artist Ralph Steadman were all part of Thompson’s personal gang of friends. Can you imagine the trouble this group caused?
* Big Bang. Thompson had an arsenal of firearms and explosives. It wasn’t unusual for visitors to find him out shooting or blowing things up.
* Drug Advocacy. Thompson supported NORML in their early organizational stages. He felt that drugs should be legalized across the board saying, “Look at Prohibition: all it did was make a lot of criminals rich.”
* Fortune Teller. While others might not have seen it coming, the day after 9/11 Thompson predicted the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan.
* Gastronomical Fortitude. When going out to eat, it was common for Thompson to order five or six main courses, appetizers, drinks, desserts and eat it all by himself.
Rest in peace Dr. Hunter S. Thompson, you were a true maniac who stirred up more trouble than it seems a person could and we’re forever grateful. If you’re interested in more about Thompson, give us a call. There are five movies about him as well as numerous biographies, not to mention his own works of fiction and non-fiction!
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