Bookmans Sells Dead People
It’s Autumn in Arizona! The change in the air ushers in pumpkin-flavored coffee and a host of spooky activities. Bookmans boasts a veritable feast of fun events this October, from undead mixers to scary movie screenings. This month we celebrate greats who have passed into the great beyond. Take home a work by one your favorite late authors, musicians or artists as Bookmans Sells Dead People.

Events are plentiful at every Bookmans location and in our communities. Each store hosts a Hob Nob with the Dead party, showcasing some of our favorite celebrities back for an earthly visit. We also haunt a variety of Fall festivals and events around Arizona including PBS Nerd Walk, Open Micapaloozathon, Downtown Phoenix Zombie Walk 5, Ignite Phoenix #15 and Mesa Art Center Dia de los Muertos.
This October, party with Bookmans and the dearly departed. Don’t miss out on the good times to be had at each of our stores. Please visit our Events Calendar to find an event near you.
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