Geeking Out with Bookmans: May the Fourth Be With You
Join or fight the dark side at Tucson’s first May the 4th Be With You Force-tival with Bookmans, Hotel Congress, Pima County Public Library and Cinema La Placita. Members of the Empire and Rebel Alliance are encouraged to come in costume to an event of Wookie-sized proportions. Fans of all levels are welcome to party their spacesuits off at either the family-friendly event from 1 to 5 p.m. or from 8 p.m. to midnight for the 21+ crowd on Saturday, May 4 at Hotel Congress, 311 E. Congress St.

Star Wars enthusiasts will enjoy:
* Costume and trivia contests.
* Free Bookmans photo booth.
* Meet and greet with local star Max Cannon.
* A chance to bash the 12-foot Death Star Piñata (for Ewoks 4’10’’ and under).
* Free screening of Clone Wars by Cinema La Placita.
* Open gaming.
* Star Wars caricature drawings by Arnie Bermudez.
* Free and open crafting by the Pima County Public Library.
* Live Music.
* Themed food and drink.
* Hourly Jedi training sessions.
Join Bookmans in-stores all month long where Geeking Out is Half the Fun with Pokemon meet-ups at Bookmans Grant every Sunday, a Retro Video Game party at Bookmans Ina on Friday, May 17 and a Magic the Gathering Tournament on Thursday, May 23. Additionally, each Bookmans location is hosting video game challenges with hundreds of dollars in prizes at stake. All tournaments are free and open to the public, but some do have age restrictions. Check our events calendar for details.
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