Most Anticipated Book to Movie Adaptions Coming 2018
Some of the most successful films in history – we’re talking Harry Potter, The Lord of the Rings, and The Hunger Games – were based on books. These films bound for 2018 are no exceptions. Which book adaptations do we think are going to be box office gold in 2018? If you go by the most anticipated book-to-movie adaptions coming in 2018, it will be: 50 Shades Freed by E.L. James, A Wrinkle in Time by Madeleine L’Engle, and Where’d You Go, Bernadette by Maria Semple.
Starting the series off with 50 Shades of Grey, E.L. James created a huge fan following with her risqué erotica novel. What about her novel captivated audiences and broke records worldwide? I mean, 50 Shades even beat Harry Potter! It was the first popular novel that introduced us to the world of BDSM and, frankly, exposed readers to a genre that was lacking.
With a successful first book, James wrote a created a trilogy including 50 Shades Darker and 50 Shades Freed. They are definitely 100% R-rated movies, and how could they not be? The movie adaptations are relatively close, minus a few of the sex scenes being cut, so we’ll have to see how the last film compares to the book. The final movie is set to be released Valentine’s Day 2018 and from we can tell from the 50 Shades Freed trailer (which you can watch here) we’re expecting it to be a huge hit filled with all the sex, love, romance and passion we’ve come to expect from the franchise.
If you don’t have Valentine’s Day plans already, make it a date for 50 Shades Freed. (Yes, I did watch 50 Shades Darker on Valentine’s Day when it came out this year. I have no regrets.)
Now we KNOW people have been waiting for ages for the movie adaptation of A Wrinkle in Time. So long that some of us may actually have wrinkles… If you’ve never read it or need a refresher, now’s the time to dig in.
The book follows Meg Murry, her younger brother Charles Wallace, and her friend Calvin O’Keefe into an adventure through time and space to save her father. They’re essentially “wrinkling through time,” get it? The movie adaptation will hit theaters March 9, 2018, so if you plan on reading the book first you still time. The film has a great cast lined up including Oprah Winfrey, Reese Witherspoon, Chris Pine, Mindy Kaling, and Zach Galifianakis.
If you don’t want to see the movie for the content you might just see it for the all-star cast. Check out the trailer here! It’s actually pretty eerie, I got chills watching it.
Look forward to Where’d You Go, Bernadette‘s release on May 11, 2018. With 275,000+ reviews on Goodreads, this is likely going to be a big hit. Some hot celebrities lined up for this film include Cate Blanchett as Bernadette, Billy Crudup, Kristen Wiig, and Troian Bellisario. Pretty Little Liars’ fans will recognize Troian as your known and beloved Spencer Hastings.
Bernadette Fox, a mother, wife, architect, and agoraphobic goes missing before a family trip to Antarctica. Following the aftermath of her disappearance, Bernadette’s fifteen-year-old daughter Bee tries to uncover the mystery. Some are comparing this novel to Gone Girl, but better!
These are just a few of the hottest book-to-movie adaptations of 2018. I can honestly say I’m eagerly awaiting all of them. We create an image in our mind of each scene playing out, what the characters look like, and the scenery. Time will tell if these movies are spot-on or nothing like we imagined. Either way, film adaptations make some of our favorite books come to life and that’s something that’s truly magical.
We’ll have to see how close to the books these films turn out to be. Will they live up to our expectations? All three of these novels can be found in our Fiction & Literature section of our store! And if you’re having any trouble finding them, don’t be afraid to ask one of our friendly staff for help. Insider tip: read these books sooner than later. The closer the movie comes, the more everyone wants a copy. It always happens!
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