Bookmans Giveaway: Free Float at True REST Float Spa in Gilbert | Bookmans
It’s Giveaway time at Bookmans!
The holiday stress is over, the elections have ended, and a brand new year is just beginning! Discover all the potential and possibility of 2017 at Bookmans Mesa. This is the perfect time to set ambitious resolutions, try unfamiliar things and reevaluate lofty goals. But remember to put that special someone first – YOU! We celebrate Jan-YOU-Ary by helping you get motivated, all throughout Jan-YOU-ary, we want to encourage you to get out and try something new!#TreatYoSelf!
How can we help YOU? Stop in Bookmans Mesa anytime between now and JanYOUary 31st and enter to win a gift card good for one free hour float at True REST Float Spa in Gilbert.
From True REST Float Spa…
Because spas are associated with relaxation, the original True REST Float Spa™ became successful, and after six years, Nick and Holly Janicki began to feel as if float therapy was something they wanted to share with the entire world.
It’s easy if you enter a True REST Float Spa, because you enter a world free of distractions. You disconnect for an hour, simply lying on your back, and floating revives all your senses simultaneously, without you doing anything.
Float therapy is a powerful tool for wellness, relaxation, pain relief and better sleep. As with any therapy, with regular use its benefits are enhanced. Stress, tension and pain have formed over time and will take some time to experience the greatest relief—luckily, floating is a relaxing, fun, and effortless way to do so!
Float therapy offers relief and benefits which are cumulative—they build on themselves with each subsequent session. We like to say “the more you float, the better it gets,” as floats themselves deepen beyond the first session. Though flotation is an “effortless” therapy, the body and mind actually learn how to relax into the float with each session.
Its an incredible experience and now here is your chance to try it out and de-stress for FREE. All YOU have to do is Stop in store and Enter for your chance to win. After all, who deserves it for you YOU?
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