Bookmans Ina Jam
Who loves listening to music? Everybody! Who likes playing music? That’s harder to determine. Playing music is something many people like to do in the comfort (and privacy) of their own homes, but many musicians would love to find some people to jam with. That’s not always an easy task. You never know who the person is on the other end of the “looking for people to jam with” ad you find on Craigslist. Also, there are the private musicians who think about jamming with folks for fun but are not sure how to get started.
That’s where we come in.
The Open Jam at Bookmans Ina is set up for any style and any skill level of musicians. It’s open to any instrument and it’s all about FUN. No one tries to out play anybody else and no one is trying to be a rock star. It’s for musicians looking for musicians who want to have fun and maybe learn a few new tricks.
Here’s how it works. We have several musicians (who probably don’t know each other) set up at one time and if a song is known by everybody (or it can be taught relatively quickly) we jam it out. If someone throws out some chord progressions we jam along. We set up drums, a bass, a couple guitars and a microphone. Everyone is free to jump on any of these instruments or bring there own to lead a song or back up a song or jam out a progression, or do anything they feel like trying regardless of skill level. Anything goes!
It’s just a bunch of people who love music getting together and having fun. If you are shy or not, if you’re a new musician or an old one, a novice or a master, or just want to sit and watch some musicians having fun, come on out, sit a spell, and check out the Bookmans Open Jam and let’s have some fun!
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