Bookmans Recommends: Above and Beyond
I fell in in love UK trance group Above and Beyond after first hearing the Group Therapy album. Consisting of DJ’s, Tony, Paavo, and Jono, Above and Beyond, tap into the human condition through lyric and melody. I’ve experienced many different music festivals/shows but seeing an A&B show is one I know I will never forget. It was much more than just the DJ’s appealing to the crowd in a hype club environment. The venue was utterly packed with thousands of passionate, happy, friendly and devoted fans from all over the world. The bottom floor section was loaded with people packed like a can of sardines and the top area of the venue turned into a dance floor. Crowded with people moving in every direction. The space was airtight, but everyone kept to the PLUR culture.
Above & Beyond has been known for their incredible tracks & live sets when it comes to the trance music genre. A&B’s sound has been commonly known as more progressive and groovier than other trance. Popular tracks include “Sun and Moon”, “Counting The Days”, “Thing Called Love”, “Sticky Fingers” and “We’re All We Need.” The three DJs linked together back in 2000 to form A&B and since have produced music that beautifully vibrates the hearts and ears of millions of people around the world. Many traveling across or outside the country to be at one of their sets. Fans get their favorite lyrics inked on their body and couples get engaged during shows. Whatever the magic may be, it goes beyond just electronic music.
Why? Connection. Fans aren’t waiting for the drop. They anticipate the lyric. No matter if it’s the moment where thousands of fans are passionately singing back every meaningful word or the millions of fans that have tuned in every Friday for Group Therapy radio. A&B’s messages always generate love and good vibes. Yes, wonky heavy basslines and the swooning synths keeps the people dancing, but it’s the connection that keeps them coming back.
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