Bookmans Recommends: Christmas All Year
It may not look like it just yet, but Fall is right around the corner. Nights are getting cooler and the days are getting a little bit shorter. The eminent fragrance of pumpkin spice is just chomping at the bit to make its way into every coffee house. All around Arizona, it’s getting closer to sweater weather, people, and that means that Christmas isn’t as far away as you may think. What better way to pass the hot remaining summer days then to bust out the Christmas music a little earlier than usual? The delightful tunes have proven to make seasons bright, add a cup of cheer, and make your troubles seem miles away. What Christmas selections would make for the merriest and happiest holiday feeling? Stop in to your local Bookmans to check out what treasures await on vinyl, cassette and CD. We are counting down the top five Christmas songs you should listen to when it’s not quite Christmas in the real world.
5. Happy X-mas (War is Over) – John Lennon
“So this is Xmas, and what have you done, another year over and a new one just begun, and so this is Xmas, I hope you have fun, the near and the dear one, the old and the young.” This is a classic Christmas song that you can enjoy all year long. Not only is it by a Beatle, it shares the reasons why you should do what you love. It doesn’t need to be snowing outside to relish in the wintry joy that is love.
4. The Christmas Song – Nat King Cole
“Chestnuts roasting on an open fire, Jack Frost nipping at your nose. Yuletide carols being sung by a choir, and folks dressed up like Eskimos.” This song emulates how we think Christmas should be. Since we are in Arizona and aren’t bundled up from the cold snow, what better reason than to listen to this song that will warm your spirits! (Even if it might still be a little too warm outside.)
3. Last Christmas – Wham
“Last Christmas I gave you my heart, but the very next day you gave it away. This year, to save me from tears, I’ll give it to someone special.” When we get closer to the holidays, it’s a common feeling to want to spend it with the people that you love. Wham will tickle your fancy, and give you those nostalgic feelings that guarantee to take you out of summer and slap you right into winter. (Yes, we skipped over fall.)
2. It Feels Like Christmas – The Muppets Christmas Carol
“It’s in the singing of a street corner choir. It’s going home and getting warm by the fire, It’s true, wherever you find love, it feels like Christmas. A cup of kindness that we share with another, a sweet reunion with a friend or a brother, in all the places you find love, it feels like Christmas.” If none of the other songs put you in the spirit, you can’t resist the Muppets. Something about a singing frog, dancing pigs and a grumpy old man just screams Christmas. In all seriousness, the tale of Scrooge played out by everyone’s favorite puppets not only makes you jolly like Christmas present, but also brings on those warm and fuzzy feelings. “Come in and know me better, man.” Come on, this is Christmas for anytime.
1. Feliz Navidad – Jose Feliciano
“Felix navidad. Feliz navidad. Feliz navidad, prospero año y felicidad.” Now this song may not be in English, but it is one of the most recognized songs around the world. It doesn’t matter if it is actually Christmas time, this song just makes you happy when you listen to it. “I wanna wish you a Merry Christmas, I wanna wish you a Merry Christmas, I wanna wish you a Merry Christmas from the bottom of my heart.” That screams happiness to us. Why does wishing happiness have to only be one time of year? Why is it that more people aren’t living like it’s Christmas all year around? That is the question we will leave you on.
If you have any favorites please comment down below, let’s celebrate the feeling of Christmas no matter what time of year it is. Plus, for all of us in Arizona, we need any way to escape this heat. For more information on our awesome music selections – of all genres – stop in to your fave Bookmans location or give us a call. We’d love to hear from you!
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