Bookmans Speedway's Geekapalooza
Let your Geek flags fly! We’re geeking out all month at Bookmans Speedway and we suspect you are ready to get some serious Geek On. What’s your game?
Are you a puzzling person with strong organizational skills? Visit our Wall of Wonder. It’s filled to overflowing with puzzles of all shapes, sizes and skill levels. Social butterflies and players can also feed their inner geek from the Wall of Wonder with its millions (approximate number) of different board games. Show off your skills and be the master of your universe with our RPGs, dice and guides to play.
Do you have a special space dedicated to toys or are they scattered everywhere? We have the perfect treasures to enchant your inner, and outer, child! How about a Lord of the Rings Return of the King Mount Doom Gift Pack*? We also have die cast cars, action figures, model kits, magic wands and of course Pokemon!
Poke-people can join the brand new Pokémon Club at Bookmans Speedway. This is your chance to enjoy trading, battling, video and board gaming, crafting and movie watching. Like all our events, these are free so you should definitely try one out.
If you are a craft geek or into comics and comic books, we have plenty of both. Idea and how-to books and videos along with plenty of supplies line our orange shelves. Our Anime and Graphic Novel sections burst with the titles you are looking for. Bookmans Speedway even hosts a Comic Book Craft Night so we can geek out over comics and creating cool crafts from recycled comics.
For the video gamers, Bookmans Speedway hosts not one but TWO video game challenges. Beginning at 2 p.m. on Saturday May 17, the kids will battle it out for a $50 Trade Credit by mastering the classic Mariokart on Wii. Teens will take it to the next level with Super Street Fighter 4 from 6 to 8 p.m. on Friday, May 9.
Literary teens can get Geektastic at our Young Adult Book Club on Saturday, May 24. Check out our Novel Geek Out, our author fair featuring several local authors.
If you are more of a homebody, get some fellow geekers together and have a viewing of the best classic movies. We have everything from BBC (“The game is on.”), Sci Fi (“I’m your Father, Luke.”), Classics (“Here’s lookin’ at you kid.”) and Action (“I’ll be back.”). If you automatically named the quote origins, you too are a Nerdalicious Bookmans Geek! May is the month to Geek Out, so don your dino tees, brush up on your RPG trivia, pull out your fedoras and meet us here. We will wear ours too.
* Bookmans can not guarantee stock. If you are interested in a specific title mentioned in this article, give Bookmans Speedway a ring at 520.748.9555. Bookmans is the place to browse books, but it’s a good idea to make sure the title is still on our shelves before you come in.
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