The Moon is Wrong: Astronomy 101 | Bookmans
If you are anything like a typical Bookmans employee you stand out in your yard at 3am and wonder what is wrong with the moon. This behavior could also be linked to growing up in Tucson. Little desert kids spend lots of time looking up,…
Fisher, Michaels, Cohen: Legendary Losses | Bookmans
What a year. So many of our beloved luminaries, entertainers, and writers have passed. It’s mind boggling and leaves us feeling almost numb, but not numb enough. There are simply too many fantastic creative intelligent people who have passed in 2016 to cover here. We…
Fisher, Michaels, Cohen: Legendary Losses | Bookmans
What a year. So many of our beloved luminaries, entertainers, and writers have passed. It’s mind boggling and leaves us feeling almost numb, but not numb enough. There are simply too many fantastic creative intelligent people who have passed in 2016 to cover here. We…
Krampus by Brom – An Alternative to Christmas Cheer | Bookmans Review
‘Tis the season to be… punished? While St. Nicolas is stuffing his sack with toys for all the good boys and girls, Krampus is busy at work punishing all the misbehaved children instead. With folk tales from all over the globe featuring this holiday heathen,…
Krampus by Brom – An Alternative to Christmas Cheer | Bookmans Review
‘Tis the season to be… punished? While St. Nicolas is stuffing his sack with toys for all the good boys and girls, Krampus is busy at work punishing all the misbehaved children instead. With folk tales from all over the globe featuring this holiday heathen,…
Crime Pays: Books Sure to Put You in Stiches | Bookmans Entertainment
The world has seen a lot of silly criminals, and crime isn’t funny, except when it is. Law enforcement has been known to lament the utter lack of common sense in some of those trying to make a buck or heist. Get ready to face…
Crime Pays: Books Sure to Put You in Stiches | Bookmans Entertainment
The world has seen a lot of silly criminals, and crime isn’t funny, except when it is. Law enforcement has been known to lament the utter lack of common sense in some of those trying to make a buck or heist. Get ready to face…
Geek Out Christmas
You want to buy your person an awesome gift, but you would prefer to get them something really really cool for not a lot of cash money. No mugs (unless it’s a Doctor Who mug), no ties (OK, maybe a Darth Vader tie), no ‘As…
Gifts for the Horror Junkie on Your Gift List | Bookmans
We’re thinking of twinkle lights, Nat King Cole and copious amounts of sweets, but there’s always someone on your gift list that is a lover of all things not so typically associated with the holiday vibes, and therefore we’re here to offer some recommendations for…
Gifts for the Horror Junkie on Your Gift List | Bookmans
We’re thinking of twinkle lights, Nat King Cole and copious amounts of sweets, but there’s always someone on your gift list that is a lover of all things not so typically associated with the holiday vibes, and therefore we’re here to offer some recommendations for…
Manuals for Manly Men: Recommends | Bookmans
Our guest reviewer decided to take a look at one of today’s most popular subjects – manuals for the man, or guides for the guy. These are titles aimed, supposedly, at making men more manly or maybe they intend to help men be more like…
Manuals for Manly Men: Recommends | Bookmans
Our guest reviewer decided to take a look at one of today’s most popular subjects – manuals for the man, or guides for the guy. These are titles aimed, supposedly, at making men more manly or maybe they intend to help men be more like…
Strange Things Make Great Gifts | Bookmans Entertainment Exchange
As we move our way into the season of buying, gifting and enjoying, that means you have the perfect excuse to enjoy and discover strange things, but of course we like them all year long. You could say that the unusual, oddball, hard to find,…
Strange Things Make Great Gifts | Bookmans Entertainment Exchange
As we move our way into the season of buying, gifting and enjoying, that means you have the perfect excuse to enjoy and discover strange things, but of course we like them all year long. You could say that the unusual, oddball, hard to find,…
Cookbooks: Recommendations and Gift Giving Guide | Bookmans
It was bound to happen eventually. The nights are getting cooler, the days shorter, which, to most appearances, means that a certain season called FALL is approaching. In the desert we can’t be sure so we just believe what we are told on the nightly…
Cookbooks: Recommendations and Gift Giving Guide | Bookmans
It was bound to happen eventually. The nights are getting cooler, the days shorter, which, to most appearances, means that a certain season called FALL is approaching. In the desert we can’t be sure so we just believe what we are told on the nightly…
Transcending Time and Space: H.P. Lovecraft Lives On – Bookmans – Written by Paul Lee
There was an amazing, deluxe, leather bound book that arrived in our store called H.P. Lovecraft: The Complete Fiction that collected his short fiction and it inspired this blog. Lovecraft is synonymous with the top-notch horror and has been for the last 80 years. Any horror…
To Review or Not to Review: Victor LaVelle, The Devil in Silver
I’ve felt compelled to write a review of Victor LaVelle’s The Devil in Silver after finishing it two weeks ago. But, for once, I don’t even know where to begin. I spent the first 75% of the book cursing it all to hell. Musing aloud…
Hollow Hills for Young Adult Book Club – Bookmans
Bookmans is passionate about literature and there are few things we love more than helping young people get interested in reading. To that end, we have a Young Adult Book Club which meets several times a year to discuss our latest reads, snack, and be…
Banned: More Than Books – Bookmans Entertainment
With one day left in September we figured we would go out with a bang and highlight a bit more banned material. Banning doesn’t apply just to books. The censorship axe can fall on movies, music and video games as well. In fact any form of…
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