Celebrate #allthingsart with Mesa’s Local Art and Craft Fair | Bookmans
With it being the month of March, what first comes to mind? Is it March Madness? The Ides Of March? St. Patrick’s Day? To us, it means all things art. Art, and crafts are such an integral part of our everyday lives. The East Valley is full of such a wide array of diverse artists, we thought what better time to showcase some of this talent by bringing them to you. On March 25th from 9 a.m. to 3 p.m, local artists from around the valley will be in our Mesa location selling their unique art. Interactive tables will open up opportunities to discuss and learn various techniques with local artists, try your hand at something completely new or finally try out that new craft idea you’ve been putting off and best of all give a chance to network with others who love what you love.
Featured tables will include a Make Your Own ATC (Artist trading cards) station where you can create and trade with other artists. We will have an expert tie dye maker on hand ready to make your inner rock star shine, Beautiful hand crafted jewelry, and so much MORE! The best part of all is you are shopping locally in the process. How can this possibly get any more exciting? Anytime between 9 a.m. and 5 p.m. you can receive 10 percent off of ANY crafting items (excluding books, and not in conjuncture with any other discounts). The is no registration or sign up required. If you are looking to join us as a vendor, please contact mesaevents@bookmans.com.
If arts and crafts aren’t your thing, we have plenty of performing arts in store all month long for you as well. Join us for the East Valley Children’s Theatre’s “on The Spot” Improv group March 30th at 7 p.m.
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