Employee Interview: Zach, Music Supervisor
Three years can pass quickly when you have one of the most rad jobs in town. Many Bookmans employees stick around to surround themselves with an eclectic selection of merchandise, a quirky set of co-workers, and the coolest of customers. Recently, we caught up with Zach V. for an employee interview. He just received the position of Music Supervisor at our Phoenix location. We wanted to get to know him a bit more and let you in on the secret of why we promote from within.

What is your favorite thing about your job?
I love being around all the cool music, movies, and literature that comes through the store, as well and hanging out and meeting the people who love them.
What is the most strange, odd, or weird item(s) you’ve come across since working here?
We once got in a vinyl copy of an album by a band called Dart (1969 Salem Oregon Hoot Records or maybe Garland Records) that was a funky blend of garage and soul sounds. Think Shuggie Otis meets The Monks. Anyway, it sold as I was pricing it so I never got a chance to take it home and enjoy it myself. I’ve never been able to find any of their material otherwise, so it remains a nagging musical mystery.
What are you currently reading, watching, listening?
I’ve just finished Black Leopard, Red Wolf by Marlon James which was violent and funny and fantastic and I have no idea how they’re going to adapt it into a series but I can’t wait. This week I’ve been checking out all sorts of movies on the new Criterion Channel, which is giving me lots of ideas for editions I’d like to add to my personal collection. Music-wise I’ve been on a bit of a Morphine binge lately, led by the late, great Mark Sandman. Listen to their track Buena and tell me you’re not instantly hooked.
What would you recommend to Bookmans customers?
Right now we have a pretty good selection of cult cinema, from Tinto Brass to the Slaughter series, and a good selection of Criterion titles as well. Now is probably a good time to start rewatching any movies in the MCU so you’re ready for Avengers: Endgame. Other than that, I suggest a sampling of our sizable selection of Tom Waits CDs. Listen to him for the whole weekend and you’ll feel like you’ve been on a fantastic journey to impossible lands without all the capes and sky-laser business.
Like a lot of our customers do, Zach spends most of his free time listening to music, watching movies and reading books. Occasionally, he plays Japanese surf rock and Afrobeat with bands around town.
Next time you’re in the store, give him a high five and ask what he’s into that day or where he’s playing next! We’ve definitely got the coolest employees around, so no matter which Bookmans you call local, there’s an employee who is dying to geek out with you. Is there a Bookmans employee interview you’d like to read? Tell us below and we’ll make it happen!
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Your store gets in new classical CDs but they never appear on the shelves. Was told yesterday that a new collection of numerous items of interest would be sold online and not be available to regular customers such as myself.
What gives?
Why are the classical CDs not being made available for sale?
Hello Craig! We have items that come into the store that sell better online and we opt to put them on our Amazon Marketplace page because of that. Everyone is welcome to purchase from our online shop and we hope you check us out for your classical needs.