Indulge In a Retro Game Geek Fix
Bookmans is the place to get your geek fix for vintage gaming and game systems. Gamers, you know the scene. Right now certain games are scarce! If you like retro gaming, we have all the hard to find titles available for purchase with Trade Credit.
Bookmans Speedway has games for retro renegades including Ninetendo, N64, NES, Genesis and Gameboy. We also see gems such as Luigi’s Mansion. In this game Mario has been kidnapped by ghosts and Luigi has to rescue him. For Ninetendo 64 check out the Ocerina of Time, Majora’s Mask, Starfox 64, Smash Bros. or Mario Kart 64. Smash Bros. is a fighting game using your favorite Ninetendo characters to win the battle.
In Star Wars Rogue Squadron you get to be an X-Wing pilot flying daring space missions. For purists, we have the original Tetris, Donkey Kong and Zelda. Maybe the sweet Kirby is more your style, though he’s only cute when he doesn’t steal his enemies powers only to spit them out. Bookmans Speedway also has unusual finds like the Japanese Versions of Pokemon White and Pokemon Heart Gold. These are tricky to locate in the states and are perfect for novelty collectors or gamers who have the talent and skill for speed gaming.
Bookmans has a variety of gaming systems as well. We can set you up with the equipment to play these hot retro games or purchase your fixable vintage gaming systems. That’s right, Bookmans Speedway looks for fixable vintage gaming systems to repair and resell. Get trade credit for your used equipment so you can score one of our sweet rare games. For the modern gamer we have Wii systems and games. Wii is the second newest system in gaming, but we also have Wii U and Disney Infinity Series figures to go with them.
Trade up to modern or stick with vintage gaming, Bookmans Speedway has what you need to get your geek fix! Stroll through our Electronics Department or speak with our knowledgeable buyers. They know what’s up and what’s cool. More importantly they know what is fun, so visit us today and by tonight you can be saving Zelda and flying the X-wing yourself.
* Bookmans can not guarantee stock. If you are interested in a specific game or system mentioned in this article, give Bookmans Speedway a ring at 520.748.9555. Bookmans is the place to browse, but it’s a good idea to make sure the item is still on our shelves before you come in.
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