Mrs. Green’s World Makes Tucson Festival of Books Appearance
Your Mother Called (Mother Earth)… You’d Better Call Her Back! carries Gina Murphy-Darling’s passionate message of respect for Mother Earth. Mrs. Green’s World, including Murphy-Darling herself, joins Bookmans from 2 to 4 p.m. on Saturday, March 14 at the Tucson Festival of Books booth #328.
“One big key to creating a sustainable planet is providing education for all. The essential piece needed for education is literacy and the Tucson Festival of Books supports literacy programs at all levels,” says Murphy-Darling. “It is quite thrilling to be a part of this year’s festival! My debut book, Your Mother Called (Mother Earth)… You’d better call her back! just came out and I am honored to partner with a place where caring about the health of the planet is a corporate core value — Bookmans.”
Using her radio show personality of Mrs. Green, Murphy-Darling identifies many of the incredible environmental challenges we face as a human race and offers one woman’s solutions on how we can begin to live intentionally to help preserve the planet that gives us life. From listing the dangers of fracking and the harmful chemicals in our food and our cleaning products to giving tips on a greener way to entertain, Mrs. Green’s World motivates you to wake up and smell the roses while there are still roses to smell.
Filled with anecdotes, humor and bold statements, Your Mother Called may make you laugh or cry, but most importantly, it will inspire you to change harmful habits and encourage you to influence others. Read it, enjoy it and share the message so that we can all become intentional, committed members of a global community who care about the planet we share.
Mrs. Green says, “Please stop by for some Mrs. Green smiles, laughs and ideas to share about the message Mother Earth is leaving for us all. See you at the Festival!”
Post author Rebecca Ballenger is a wannabe Internet practitioner, subtly charming public school advocate and amateur communicator who asks too many questions and writes mostly about books at RebL Nation.
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