PoeFest | Student Writing Competition 2017
**Deadline extended through October 20th, 2017!**
Announcing the PoeFest Arizona Student Writing Competition! Bookmans Entertainment Exchange is proud to sponsor the inaugural year of this statewide student contest celebrating the bard of Baltimore himself, Edgar Allan Poe. The competition is part of PoeFest, created by Arizona Curriculum Theater (ACT). ACT is a 501(c)(3) educational charity that connects the arts to curriculum in local schools. By integrating the arts into lesson plans, students become more engaged while learning about science, math, literature, reading, or history. The PoeFest Student Writing Competition is open to all Arizona students in 7th, 8th, and 9th grades for the 2017-2018 school year. Submissions can be dropped off at any Bookmans Entertainment Exchange location or emailed to contest@poefest.org. A winner will be declared for each of two categories: short stories and poetry. All winners will receive prize packages supplied by Bookmans. For all the details, please keep reading below. But don’t delay, the submission deadline is October 20, 2017!
We’ve listed the writing competition guidelines below for all the young authors and poets out there! These details should provide all the tools you need to create and submit your work for the PoeFest Arizona Student Writing Competition 2017. Please feel free to contact us anytime with questions.
Short Story Contest
• All Arizona students in 7th, 8th, and 9th grades for the 2017-2018 school year are eligible.
• Student authors must be residents of the State of Arizona.
• Home-schooled students are eligible.
• Submission deadline is October 20, 2017.
• All short story submissions must be between 1,000 and 7,500 words.
• Themes for short stories must stick to the genres of horror and/or mystery.
• Stories must be original.
• Authors retain all copyrights.
• Submissions can be dropped off at any Bookmans Entertainment Exchange location.
• Alternatively, submissions can also be made in electronic form (contest@poefest.org.)
• All submissions must include the email and phone number of a parent or guardian.
• All authors must have the permission of a parent or guardian to participate.
• All submissions must include the author’s name, birthdate, school, and grade for the 2017-2018 school year. (Home schooled students are welcome.)
• One winner will be declared and notified via email on October 27, 2017.
• All submissions will be adjudicated by a panel of judges.
• The winning author and one guest will be awarded complimentary passes to all PoeFest Main Stage shows.
• Prize packages will be provided by Bookmans Entertainment Exchange.
Poetry Contest
• All Arizona students in 7th, 8th, and 9th grades for the 2017-2018 school year are eligible.
• Student authors must be residents of the State of Arizona.
• Home-schooled students are eligible.
• Submission deadline is October 20, 2017.
• All poetry submissions must be no more than 422 lines.
• Themes for poems must stick to the genres of love, horror, and/or death.
• Poems must be original.
• Poets retain all copyrights.
• Submissions can be dropped off at any Bookmans Entertainment Exchange location.
• Alternatively, submissions can also be made in electronic form (contest@poefest.org.)
• All submissions must include the email and phone number of a parent or guardian.
• All authors must have the permission of a parent or guardian to participate.
• All submissions must include the poet’s name, birthdate, school, and grade for the 2017-2018 school year.
• All submissions will be adjudicated by a panel of judges.
• The winning poet will be declared and notified via email on October 27, 2017.
• Winning poems will be read aloud at PoeFest on October 27, 2017.
• The winning poet and one guest will be awarded complimentary passes to all PoeFest Main Stage shows.
• Prize packages will be provided by Bookmans Entertainment Exchange
More about PoeFest:
PoeFest 2017 is the ninth annual celebration of the stories and poems of Edgar Allan Poe held every October in Downtown Phoenix, Arizona. Our performances are not readings. Our actors have memorized Poe’s stories and will perform them as inmates in Poe’s fictional Maison de Santé Asylum. PoeFest opens October 6, 2017 and runs until Halloween.
Check out the Bookmans Events Calendar for all the cool, quirky, literary and fun events that we do at our stores and around town. We look forward to recieving your submissions and we hope to see you at PoeFest 2017! Until then, keep reading, writing and quoting the Raven.
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Hello! I’ve very interested in participating in this but it says only 7th, 8th, and 9th grades are eligible. Are there any contests for juniors to enter?
Hi, Reilly! Thank you for the comment. This particular contest is for 7th-9th grades, but please feel free to contact me anytime to talk about other writing contest opportunities in Arizona. My email is katys@bookmans.com.
Can you enter both contests or only one?
Hi, Matthew! Thank you for contacting us! Go ahead and enter both contests. Feel free to contact me with any other questions at katys@bookmans.com. Thanks!