Quaranteam: Time to Choose
Loosley based on the alignment system, I took some of my favorite TV characters and created eight quaranteams. Now that we aren’t under lockdown, your quaranteam might be based on the division of labor, someone wise or funny for those tough days, or maybe that certain someone to keep everyone in line. There are so many other characters I wish I could include!
Of course, there are a lot of things to consider before picking your team. Sure, that quaranteam member may very well be your dream BFF, but do you really want to live with them? The very things that make you love a character on TV can quickly become the things you find most annoying about them after a while. And let’s face it, this quarantine isn’t going anywhere anytime soon.
What if your quaranteam house is too full of know-it-alls or some notably bossy, lying, or downright dangerous? Can you really stick it out quarantined with the same people who you love in small doses? The trick is to find the balance, and these eight different quaranteam options are definitely full of compromise.
Take your pick or you can create your own in the comments below! Don’t forget, there is a real Quaranteam out there for anyone who is struggling with social distancing. They are there to help keep you connected and make lemonade from 2020’s lemons.
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