New Year, New Ways to Reuse Discs
CDs and DVDs sell move quickly in and out of Bookmans. From the newest Katy Perry CD to part-two of The Hobbit, we have it all. But what happens to all the old discs we no longer want? Granny doesn’t listen to that classical CD set anymore, so throw it away. Right? Oh, no. This year resolve to reuse things you may otherwise send to a landfill, starting with those shiny discs. Close to 100,000 pounds of discs become obsolete each month. That doesn’t include the 5.5 million boxes of software disks that get sent to the landfill each year. In this post, we focus on how we plan to reuse discs and disks we’ve got laying around.
This month Bookmans Ina plans to reuse discs we saved for recycling. Not only is the new year a perfect time to clean your clutter, it’s a perfect time to start that crafting hobby you put off. We found just a few uses for those old discs and this month at our Craft-A-Palooza (each Saturday starting at 1 p.m.) we share them all with you!
If your Aunt Susie is as crazy as mine you’ll want to come the first week when we make coasters. No more condensation on that antique oak table! These crafty treasures keep you safe from water rings.
Stay occupied on your next rainy day with disc weaving projects keep the young or old busy. Come enjoy these on the second week of crafts!
If you want a cheap and easy way to redecorate your room, we’ve got two projects to spunk it up — mobiles and wall decorations! Stop by the third and fourth Saturday for these.
While we only share four crafts that reuse discs, there are tenfold more ideas for you and your family to do. For more information on the lifecycle of discs in a child-friendly infographic format, check out this pdf from the EPA.
Take the time to do some crafting this new year and put to use some of that clutter! It’s time to better the environment and have fun, let Bookmans help you along the way. Not only can you attend craft time this month, feel free to ask about any of our crafting and hobby books; we’ve got just the right thing to get you feeling inspired this new year.
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