Mesa’s ZapCon 6 Arcade and Pinball Convention
What is ZapCon?
Zapcon is a weekend-long party where gamers devote their love and attention to the classic arcade and pinball machines. No need for quarters as all of the games are set to free play! It’s a wonderful throwback to all the games you love and remember. Celebrating it’s SIXTH year anniversary, the list of arcade and pinball machines that are going to be in attendance and available to be played is sure to make even the most die hard gamer want to Power Up. But where did Zapcon originate from?
Zapcon is the brainchild of The Classic Game Preservation Society who shares with us the origins of this epic event on Zapcon’s Official website.
Coordinator Wes Cleveland quoted on their website as saying that
“Some of the fondest memories from my childhood were when I or one of my friends could talk a parent into dropping us off at the nearest arcade for a few hours. We’d do our best to stretch $5 worth of tokens as far as possible… That meant playing a game that wasn’t that great, but you were really good at. Sometimes it meant spending your in between game time taking long, slow strolls up and down the aisles soaking in the lights and sounds, watching the attract modes of games you were curious about, or watching other people play in hopes of picking up a new killer technique or of seeing a level or mode you haven’t been able to get to. Sometimes it meant spending a ridiculous amount of time waiting in line to play the arcade’s hot new game.
All but one of the old guard pinball manufacturers have disappeared. There are precious few places to play the classics and even fewer where one can get the “classic arcade” experience.
That is why we have created Zapcon.
We want Zapcon to become an annual event that will promote and preserve classic arcade and pinball culture for years to come”.
Located at the Mesa Convention Center April 21st and 22nd, Zapcon does not disappoint in how much fun it can be. Whether your game level is master or novice there is a game here for you! Ticket and schedule information can be found here.
We are excited to be in attendance again this year. Stop by the Bookmans Booth and let us test your gaming trivia. Enter to win some fashionable Bookmans swag or gift cards, good for anything in the store! Don’t stress about your “high score”! Grab a beanbag chair and kick back in our retro gaming lounge. You can also grab your Player Two and snap a memory with your Player Two in the Photo Booth.
Are you #TeamArcade or #TeamPinball?
No matter what your gaming platform is, we can’t wait to meet and hear from you! Bring your friends, bring your family, bring yourself and let’s get our game on!
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