Young Adult Book Club at Bookmans East in Tucson | Bookmans
PSA: Bookmans East has a Young Adult Book Club. Have you ever read a book and desperately wanted to talk about it? Some novels, especially the best ones, leave us with a multitude of questions and ideas bouncing around our minds. We believe that the…
Young Adult Book Club at Bookmans East in Tucson | Bookmans
PSA: Bookmans East has a Young Adult Book Club. Have you ever read a book and desperately wanted to talk about it? Some novels, especially the best ones, leave us with a multitude of questions and ideas bouncing around our minds. We believe that the…
Banned Book Club: American Psycho
No book has caused more controversy since its publication than American Psycho by Brett Easton Ellis. If you’ve seen the movie, your insides have surely coiled in revolt from Patrick Bateman’s violent and outlandish murders; and the book is only worse. So extreme were a…
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