Origami Art: Get Crafty with Bookmans Mesa
What is origami? How is it done? What is it for? These may be questions you ask yourself whether your art level is a beginner or advanced. We had room for all at Bookmans Mesa’s last craft night featuring the art of origami.
Bookmans Speedway Wants Your Crafty Talent
Bookmans Speedway is looking for Crafty Customers to sell their creations and to lead crafting workshops for the public. Bookmans loves creativity and we love re-purposing and upcycling. Tucson artists are highly skilled in these two areas. So, what is your talent?
Crafty Customers Wanted at Bookmans Speedway
Bookmans Speedway is full of crafty customers. You might be one! If you are talented with your hands, creative and daring, let us know, we are looking for your special skills. Bookmans Speedway has a full to bursting crafting department with books, guides, how-tos and…
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