Movie Review: Incredibles 2
The wait is finally over. After 14 years of anticipation, Incredibles 2 has a lot to live up to. Incredibles 2 finds itself in a tough position. On one hand, in the era of superhero movies, things have become somewhat formulaic. On the other, with such…
Disney's The Hunchback of Notre Dame Is Worth Revisiting
Since Snow White premiered in 1937, Disney movies have influenced generations with their magical stories and impressive animation. As the days of classic 2D animation are replaced with the new doe-eyed CGI characters, some of us are feeling a little nostalgic for the days when…
My Take: Ready Player One Movie Review
*SPOILERS AHEAD* Taking place half in Columbus, Ohio and half in a virtual playground known as the Oasis, Ready Player One follows the story of Wade Watts, a young “gunter” amongst millions all vying for the same prize. Wade and all the others are searching…
Bookmans Recommends: Mermaids
The power of three! Cher is a queen unto herself but with the aid of Winona Ryder and Christina Ricci, there’s no way the movie Mermaids wouldn’t become an immediate favorite. This movie is a female powerhouse with every moment packed full of womanly angst…
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