My Take: Ready Player One Movie Review
*SPOILERS AHEAD* Taking place half in Columbus, Ohio and half in a virtual playground known as the Oasis, Ready Player One follows the story of Wade Watts, a young “gunter” amongst millions all vying for the same prize. Wade and all the others are searching…
Books to Read Before They Become Movies
So many books have seen a transformation into a film adaptation, from The Lord of the Rings to The Great Gatsby to Captain Underpants. For all the ones that you know of, there are hundreds more you may not know about. SURPRISE! (or not) – 2018 is full…
Geeking Out with Ready Player One
There’s one book that currently has every Bookmans employee geeking their socks off. It’s everything we love about the 80’s, science fiction and the thrill of a great competition. Ernest Cline’s first novel, Ready Player One, has quickly gained the top spot on the Bookmans Recommends…
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