The Case for Physical Music
There are so many ways to tune in to your favorite music! A lot of people stream music via web services, some channel into their favorite radio station, other sare even bring it back with the wax. Some still keep their case full of CDs in…
Tales From a VHS Tape
Days of going to the video store to rent movies have long been a thing of the past. Movie chains and mom-and-pop shops have all but evaporated, replaced by rental kiosks and streaming platforms. While it is fairly easy to track down what you want to see…
33 1/3 Series Only Leads to Treble
Enter a world full of musical geniuses, lyrical masters and soul-touching beats, and you’ll find yourself reading the 33⅓ series. The world is full of music fanatics and so is Tucson. We see it as we buy, sell & trade music-related paraphernalia all day long. We…
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