Poetry + Community + Tucson Humanities Festival
Bookmans not only has fun, free, family events at each of our stores, but we also aim to bring communities together. For the month of October, we’re teaming up with the College of Humanities, the UA Poetry Center, as well as other community partners during…
Kaitlin’s Salad Days as a Bookmans Intern
By Kaitlin Hooker, Bookmans Editorial Assistant Intern I sat in the library until midnight one Friday night in late October because at midnight the cashiers who work the parking garages at the U of A campus go home. There’s no automatic payment system for parking, so…
Kaitlin's Salad Days as a Bookmans Intern
By Kaitlin Hooker, Bookmans Editorial Assistant Intern I sat in the library until midnight one Friday night in late October because at midnight the cashiers who work the parking garages at the U of A campus go home. There’s no automatic payment system for parking, so…
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