The Force Is Strong with Star Wars Collectibles
Bookmans Flagstaff acquired a galaxy’s worth of Star Wars collectibles. From rare action figures to Star Wars fiction to lightsabers complete with sound effects, come see the out-of-this-world display in the front of our store. We love the tale from a long time ago in a galaxy far, far away, so when the opportunity arose for us to stock our shelves with Star Wars memorabilia we jumped at the chance. We also spent a chunk of company time pretending to be Jedi. Let us walk you through some of the awesome items found on our gallery wall.
All the action figures. Beyond the countless Darth Maul figurines patiently waiting to be purchased, we have rare stuff like an Arc Trooper from the expanded universe. Remember Dr. Evazan, the Catina patron who has a death sentence in twelve systems? He came in too. We have the classics like Boba Fett and Empire Strikes Back Luke. Naturally we mooned over the handsome Han sporting his trench coat from Return of the Jedi. With so many cool collectibles, you’ll be able to reenact episodes 4, 5 and 6.
The cute and the weird. Ever wanted to be told the story of young Luke discovering The Force and unveiling his mystery parentage through yarn? Who hasn’t? Probably the same people who dig Jar Jar Binks. Through the magic that is Epic Yarns you can see Darth Vader in his most adorable version bring balance to The Force. If cute isn’t your style, how about just plain weird? With Thumb Wars you can see Star Wars in all its glory with titles like The Phantom Cuticle. All this an more, including a few Dark Horse Star Wars comics can be found on display.
We could fill pages with all the cool Star Wars stuff we have in store but will let you discover some treasures not mentioned in this post. Stop in any time to see some cool intergalactic collectibles currently occupying our gallery.
* Bookmans is your store to explore. We can’t guarantee stock so if you are interested in a particular Star Wars item, please give us a call and we’ll check our orange shelves for you. Otherwise, we hope you will come and browse.
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I have a star wars collection I want to sell including Bantha Tracks magazines.. 2 Revenge of the Jedi Posters hundred of trading cards a revenge of the jedi cimic book.. and much more.. do you buy these products I am disabled and need to sell
We do buy collections like yours, but we only speculate on deals in person. I suggest you call your closest Bookmans location to see what they are currently buying. They can’t give you a price quote or even say for sure if we can buy your items, but you will have a better idea of what to expect.