What’s Your #MusicMarathon?
Sometimes in life, when things are quiet or boring, you need something to fill the void. When life gets too hard or overwhelming, even when you are at your happiest points. Music is there to be by your side. It cheers you on, builds you up and reminds you how magical it can really be if you allow yourself to believe. Not only can music put you in a better state of mind, but in many occasions it is said to be the best therapy in life. There is something about music. It can take you to a specific place or time, can make you happy, and sometimes unbelievably sad. Music is a powerful and beautiful piece of life that we have and when you find that one special song, there is only one thing to be done. You Marathon it. Capital M because #awesome. One of the best things about being able to Marathon a song, is that it can be interchangeable. You never have to stick with one song for the rest of your life. It is all up to you in which one rocks your socks.
We asked some of our employees at the Bookmans Phoenix which songs really pumped them up, or just made them feel complete when they were really digging the beat. Their Marathon song if you will, and why it means so much to them. Here’s some of their go-to’s:
“Mastermind by Deltron 3030, because I love the part where Dan the Automater says all is well with the cosmos.”
“Northern Sky by Nick Drake always makes me feel better. Best of Times by Sage Francis and then I would say Between the Bars by Elliott Smith because it is just so beautiful. That one song encompasses everything that Elliott smith is. “
“Caravan by Van Morrison. Preferably the live version from The Last Waltz by Martin Scorsese.”
“You want to make them cry? Daddy’s Hands by Holly Dunn.”
“It talks about the new generation word for word. Selfie by The Chainsmokers”
“Gold by Kiiara. I heard about it through an article and now it’s on the radio. Just listen, you’ll understand.”
“David Bowie’s Station to Station, because it’s David Bowie. Self-Explanatory. Also Public Image by PIL, and let’s not forget Nights in White Satin by The Moody Blues.”
“Morrissey’s How Soon is Now? The sadness, It’s real. It makes you want to be sad just for sadness sake.”
“Today Was a Good Day by Ice Cube but in the song when he says his name, I just replace it with my own.”
“Constellations by Jack Johnson. No Explanation.”
“Elissa’s Asaad Wahda. I want to throw everyone off.”
“Obla Di Obla Da by The Beatles, also Your Song by Sir Elton John. All the feels for those songs.”
It can be a song that pumps you up, or brings you down to the depths of your emotions. No matter the tune, each person has their very own favorite for special reasons. What is your ‘Marathon’ song and why? We want to hear from you! Leave your answers in the comments section below, and let’s listen to each other’s favorites. Sharing music is just one way that the world goes around!
***Bookmans is your store to explore. If you are interested in an item mentioned here please give us a call and a Bookmans staff member will be happy to check our shelves. Otherwise, we hope to see you soon perusing the Bookmans shelves for all your music needs.
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