Lovecraft Monster or Middle-Earth Character?

Q’yth-az is one of the Old Ones or Elder Things. This great and wise God is made of crystalline. He turns worlds to glass as hard as granite.

Primula Baggins is Frodo's Mother.

Gil-galad is the High King of the Elves of Middle-Earth. He helped form the alliance of Elves and Men with Elendil.

Dagon is the massive God of the Deep Ones whose Kingdom resides in the abyss of Earth’s oceans.

Melkor later known as Morgoth is the first Dark Lord, who spread evil across Middle-Earth during the first age.

Angrod is Galadriel’s older brother.

Azathoth is known by many names such as "the blind idiot God", "Nuclear Chaos", "Daemon Sultan", "The Deep Dark", and "The Cold One" is an Outer God. He lives at the center of a black hole. His surviving children the Azathi cause atomic reactions and are obliterated at birth.

Hastur is a benevolent cosmic God of Shepards served by the Baykhee race.

Shelob is the shadow spider Frodo and Sam defeated during their journey to Mordor.

The Shoggoths are a race of nebulous shapeshifters. They were genetically engineered by the Elder Things as a subservient race. The Shoggoth insurrection resulted in the extinction of their race. They are now displaced in remote locations across Earth.

Landroval is one of the Great Eagles that carried Frodo and Sam from Mordor after they cast the ring into the lava.

Hasufel was a large dark grey horse, originally belonging to Gárulf.
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