2016…Nuf’ Said | Bookmans
We want to say goodbye to 2016 respectfully. It was another 365 days that helped shape who we are and how we view the world, and although some things might be shaping those perspectives differently than you imagined – we’re here to provide you with some perspective regardless of where you are on the spectrum.
We wouldn’t be the bookstore you know and love if we didn’t recognize the good parts of 2016 but we realize a lot of people are feeling drabby, crappy and poopy. For the sake of making 2017 a bit more shiny and less turd-like for those of you on that end, we give you a list of things sure to let you harness your inner frustration, know that you’re not alone and laugh out the craptastic feelings and for those of you not shunning 2016: a list of things you can surely be thankful for.
You have probably already decided which side of the fence you’re on: either incredibly excited for the dawning of a new year, or feeling bittersweet that it’s time to say goodbye. From epic losses to hefty transitions, some can say 2016 sucked in a pretty massive way, but we can’t forget some pretty stupendous things that make 2016 a badass year to have been a part of.
Things to be thankful for:
We saved the manatees. That’s right. The MANATEES. (Click the link – you won’t be sorry). It was last February when the US Fish and Wildlife Service announced that theses squishy adorable huge sea puppies are no longer endangered. If that’s all it took to get you obsessed there’s a good chance that you can find John Lithgow’s I’m a Manatee at one of our six locations.
Bookmans celebrated 40 years! 40 years!! We have been going strong for that many years bringing you things like this, books, entertainment and all things weird and geeky. Happy dance.
Liberia was officially cleared of Ebola – a monumental stride for global health! And they covered all the bases, developing and testing a vaccine that can protect against the virus and prevent the rise of an outbreak or epidemic. #win
We were green before green was cool – remember that? So it’s only fair we also give a #shoutout to Science Bulletin for providing this piece of positivity: New research showed that acid pollution in the atmosphere is now almost back to the level that it was before it started in the 1930s. I’m walkin’ on sunshine…
And as we promised, a list of some things sure to help you kiss goodbye to 2106:
Hyperbole and a Half, by Allie Brosh
Hilarious. The story is grumpy in all the great feel-good ways a story can be. We get it Allie – why IS there a car parked outside? Who the f gave it permission? Why are we so mad about it? And why does it feel so good to be mad at an object? She details why dogs turn into ravenous monsters when they see a plastic bag on a walk, gives us reason to believe that geese are indeed demons and sums up the reasons why she might actually be a bad person. It’s not her fault though, right? I mean, #society. Here’s to knowing you’re not alone in your irrational angry feelings.
Assholes: A Theory, by Aaron James
James gives us his theories on what it actual means to be an asshole, where they come from and why there isn’t really a better name for those people acting like that. Whether you avoid them or not, they are everywhere and we are forced to live within their same spheres. Read this if you’re trying to hash out your feelings as we move into 2017.
Cards Against Humanity
We’ve all played it by now – but for the newbs or those of you who haven’t unwrapped it from it’s shiny cellophane since you bought it – give it a go. It’s a game of ridiculous comparisons that makes all the things seem a little easier to stomach. We wish we could name our top five cards…but I have a job to keep. This is our suggestions for the way out of the 2016 funk – by laughing and insulting your way through Friday night.
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