The Benefits of Reading For Adults and Children
September is here which means Banned Books Month is here! Every September, Bookmans proudly celebrates literature that has been banned or challenged in schools, libraries or any public spaces. Censorship is so widespread, it’s even likely that some of your favorite children’s books were once banned. Bookmans stores across Arizona are hosting a plethora of events this month for literary geeks out who are proud to read. To get you started on the right path, we are highlighting all the wonderful benefits of reading for both adults and young children. Reading not only builds intelligence, but it also improves countless other aspects of our lives. Let’s get started!
Five Reasons Why Adults Should Read
• To Develop Verbal Abilities: Those that read tend to have a broader vocabulary and a more varied range of words. When you are reading and you don’t know a word, you then most likely look that word up in the Dictionary and voila you now have a new word that you have learned.
• Readers Play A Crucial Role in Enriching Our Cultural & Civic Life: According to a study done by the NEA literary readers are more than 3 times more likely to visit museums, attend plays or concerts, and create artwork of their own compared to those who don’t read. They are also more likely to play sports, attend sporting events, or do outdoor activities, such as volunteering and charity work.
• Reading Improves Imagination: When we read we create images in our mind without being told to so. We create the world described in the book. We also get to see and look at other people’s views and opinions, which helps us to expand our understanding of what is or isn’t possible.
• Reading Reduces Stress: A group of volunteers at Mindlab International at the University of Sussex found that reading reduced stress by 68 percent. Subjects only had to read for six minutes before researchers found that their heart rate slowed down and tension was reduced in their muscles.
• Deep Reading Makes Us More Empathetic: Losing yourself in a book can physically change your brain. When we let go of the emotional and mental chatter of our lives we allow ourselves to feel the emotions of the characters in the book. This in turn makes us more aware and alert to the lives of others.
Five Reasons Why Children Should Read
• Reading helps children with their ability to use words correctly and with their grammar in the long-run. They get to learn how to speak correctly and how to use their words properly, without using slang.
• Children can learn things such as moral and manners due to books always having deep meanings hidden inside them.
• Reading allows children to be entertained without their faces being stuck on their tablet or on a video game. It is also a cheaper entertainment option because movies, video games, and apps can all become increasingly expensive.
• Early reading skills have been known to directly correspond to a child’s future academic success.
• Early literacy helps build independence and self confidence.
For more information, check out these links:
WhyToRead: Ten Reasons Why You Should Read More
Your Brain on Books: Ten Things That Happen To Our Minds When We Read
Reasons Why Kids Should Read More
Top 20 Reasons Why Kids Should Read Books More
There you have it! Be sure to check out all the awesome books we have in our stores. If you ever want to request a certain title, give your local Bookmans a call and we’re happy to put it on hold for you. We also suggest to ask or check out our employee recommendations, our shelves as our selection is always changing. Happy reading!
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