Freebie Friday: It: Chapter Two
He’s back and this time he’s not just clowning around. What better way to kick off the weekend than with a HORROR-ible giveaway! Everyone’s favorite contemptible clown “Pennywise” is about to return to theaters and we have the hookup for you. You can WIN TICKETS to an advanced screening of It: Chapter Two at Harkins Arizona Mills IMAX on September 3rd.
“Because every 27 years evil revisits the town of Derry, Maine, It: Chapter Two brings the characters—who’ve long since gone their separate ways—back together as adults, by a devastating phone call, nearly three decades after the events of the first film.” We know that you are just as excited as we are to see The Loser’s Club reunited and face off against evil once again in this terrifying sequel that’s based on the novel by Stephen King.
For this Freebie Friday contest, we are giving 3 LUCKY WINNERS each a pair of tickets to see It: Chapter Tw0 at the Harkins Arizona Mills IMAX September 3rd! That’s three nights BEFORE it opens nationwide! To enter, you must be at least 17 years of age as It: Chapter Two is R-rated.
Tell us – Who is your favorite Stephen King character and why?
Will it be Cujo? Is it Jack Torrance at the Stanley Hotel? , Randall Flagg? , Carrie White?
You must be at least 17 years of age or older to attend. This Freebie Friday giveaway will run for 72 hours, so you have plenty of time to enter! We will choose winners on Monday, August 26th via Winners will be notified via the email used to comment. Comments do not appear automatically and need to be approved, so there is no need to post more than once. Any duplicate entries will be deleted and not included in the drawing.
The screening starts at 7 PM on September 3rd. Winners must arrive at the Harkins Arizona Mills IMAX between 6 and 6:20 PM for check-in and priority seating.
Good luck everyone…and scary dreams!
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Judd from pet sematary!
Jack Torrance
My favorite character is Charlie McGee from Firestarter!
Roland the Gunslinger! Because he never forgot the face of his father!!
I am a huge Pet Sematary fan, the book came out the year I was born and I saw the movie as a young child (my parents were horror lovers). I always adored Church the cat, does that count? Ellie would be second.
Annie Wilkes from Misery
Judd from Pet Sementary, because we would do anything for our kids and pets .
My favorite character is Cujo, because I have a love for demonic animals (like my old dog Smokey)
Danny Torrance, he was a phenomenal character in The Shining and his character grew even more in Doctor Sleep.
Leland Gaunt from Needful Things. Loved his exchange of wanted items for chaos.
Annie Wilkes from misery because she can be so sweet and then so evil like me > ; )
Jack Torrance!! The Shining will always be my favorite king movie, and no one could ever replicate Jack Nicholson’s portrayal of Jack. He was literally made for that role. He doesn’t just “play” Jack Torrance, its clear that he breathed life into a name on paper that became a part of himself forevermore. .
Annie Wilkes from Misery
Danny Torrence from The Shining
Bill Denbrough from IT because of how dedicated of a friend and brother he is.