Chewbacca at Bookmans
Bookmans partnered with Disney Studios to bring Arizona Star Wars Reads Day. As part of our ongoing commitment to literacy, local chapters of the Rebel Legion and the 501st Legion hosted a literacy support event at all three Tucson Bookmans Entertainment Exchange locations as well as Bookmans Phoenix. The fun began at Bookmans Speedway with a special Story Time led by the one and only Chewbacca.
Chewbacca, being a Wookie, needed the assistance of Han Solo to translate. Solo was happy to interpret for the audience, but one of his most important duties was getting Chewbacca into the Kids Room at Bookmans Speedway. Though our doors were built with even tall humans in mind, Chewy is much too tall to fit through and requires assistance to walk through.
Chewie’s entrance into the Kids Room (along with members of both Legions) was greeted with gasps, cheers and applause. Chewie read Goodnight Luke Skywalker while giving his commentary on various aspects of the story. It was a packed house with children of ALL ages who came to support Chewie.
All of the Star Wars characters came with a message of literacy support, encouraging children to learn to read and to practice often. What to do with that much stellar presence but line up for a photo taken with Chewbacca and the gang. For a look at those photos find our Star Wars Reads Day photo album on Flickr.
After photos it was time to read, color and receive some freebies from Disney Studios. Star Wars mini books, Star Wars ABC stickers and pencils were given to all who attended. Excited fans completed Star Wars coloring pages to take home. It was a wonderful morning in our galaxy with Chewbacca and friends who traveled a long way to get here. If you missed the day’s events, don’t worry. The gang promised to meet here next year for another fun Story Time at Bookmans.
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