Our Shelves Are Orange but Our Heart Is Green: Green Business Practices at Bookmans
Bookmans takes caring for the planet seriously. We work to find green business practices that reduce our carbon footprint, starting with the basics — our business model. Every buy, sell or trade conducted with Bookmans Entertainment Exchange extends the reduce, reuse, recycle chain by reducing consumption of new items and reusing items that may otherwise find a place in landfills. Items that once brought joy to you now make others happy and eliminate unnecessary, harmful waste. Shopping for used media at Bookmans has been green for more than 40 years. Our earth-friendly customers do their part by sharing books, music, movies, magazines and games with the Bookmans community. Behind the scenes, we conduct even more green business practices that you may not be aware of.
We do our best to be green all year around, and not only by giving new life to items that would otherwise have made it to the landfill.
* EV Chargers. We’ve installed electric vehicle chargers at every one of our stores.
* HVACs. We have energy management systems for our HVACs that ensure we maintain equipment for maximum efficiency and environmentally safe usage.
* Lighting. We installed energy efficient T5 lights at Bookmans Phoenix. The T5 bulb burns cooler to reduce lighting and air conditioning costs.
* Consumables. Environmentally friendly cleaning and paper products are used as much as possible at every Bookmans location.
* Receipt Tape. Bookmans uses Bisphenol A (BPA)-free receipts in our registers, keeping the well being of our customers, employees and the earth in mind.
* Local First. Wherever we can, we work with local companies. For example in our Bookmans Flagstaff Cafe, our coffee comes from Firecreek Roasters in Sedona. Sure, this helps Arizona’s economy, but it also means our coffee travels a shorter distance to you and therefore results in lower carbon emissions.
* Partners. Because environmentalism is one of our core values, our donation and sponsorship dollars are trusted to community partners like Mrs. Green’s World, who work toward earth friendly education and policies.
Even with these greener business practices, Bookmans has a long way to go to reduce our carbon footprint. Please join us this month so we can support each other in protecting our most precious resources. Shopping at Bookmans may be the most fun way to start a greener journey, but don’t stop there! Check out an article on reading green books by Emme at Midtown and notes on Global Divestment by Caity in Marketing. Next time you reach for something on our orange shelves, remember what color our heart is. Get your green on this April at Bookmans!
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