Henri Recommends Books about Dogs for Humans
Whoever said diamonds are a girl’s best friend never had a dog. Never was there ever a more faithful companion than that of a canine. Loving, loyal and able to give the best snuggles known to man, a dog is everyone’s best friend. Henri, short for Henrietta, an adorable border collie, is my best friend. Not only does Henri work the floor for Bookmans Flagstaff, she was adopted here. What better way to celebrate Animal Welfare month at Bookmans than to ask this Bookmans baby her fave books about dogs? Enjoy Henri’s book recommendations for humans.
The Art of Racing in The Rain by Garth Stein
This suggestion should come as no surprise. The Art of Racing in The Rain tells the story of Enzo, a shepherd-poodle-terrier mix. Enzo is what you would call an old soul. Through his life he has closely paid attention to the humans who make up his family. He watches T.V. with them, listens to their conversations and arguments and develops a deep understanding of the human condition. On the eve of his death, Enzo reflects on the his life, the trials of his family, the love, the loss and ultimately the hope they feel.
A Wolf Called Romeo by Nick Jans
Technically this is not a book about dogs, but whereas Henri’s human affectionately refers to her as her “direwolf” and that A Wolf Called Romeo combines two of Henri’s dreams, being a wolf and living in Alaska, she feels it is appropriate for this listicle. Romeo is a black wolf but unlike most wolves he seems intrigued by the community of Juneau, Alaska. Living just beyond the town’s borders, Romeo makes appearances over the course of 6 years. Eventually trusting the humans of Juneau, he forms a bond with the book’s author. An amazing true story of a wild animal forming unlikely relationships with humans and their dogs, A Wolf Called Romeo is an awe inspiring tale.
Surviving Henri — er, we mean Surviving HENRY by Erin Taylor Young
Surviving Henry tells the tale of one super active energetic boxer and his owner’s tireless effort to “wear the dog out”. From hiking until their feet are covered with blisters to taking up running to riding a moped around the neighborhood, nothing sheds even the slightest bit of energy. Through the humorous stories of obedience school disasters, Surviving Henry is a story some of us can greatly relate to. Maybe it’s the name? With all his high energy antics you can’t help but fall in love with this “canine catastrophe”. I know the feeling.
And here, for your viewing pleasure, is little baby Henri/panda puppy/fat fluffy cuddle bunny with her mentor and life coach mama, Nova. You’re welcome.
There you have it. Henri’s official list of favorite books for humans on dogs and dog life. She hopes you enjoy this list but can’t be bothered to think of anymore as she has to chase that darn tail that somehow keeps evading her. Bookmans loves to have both you and your furry companion visit our stores. Grab a treat from the front counter and peruse our dog memoir section.
* Bookmans can not guarantee stock, so call ahead if you’d like to be sure a title mentioned here is in our store.
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