Houseplants 101
I am on a mission. And that mission is to no longer live a plantless bland existence but to instead embark on a fulfilling journey of in-home shrubbery. I am grown now, and grownups have houseplants. So with the help of Warner’s Nursery and many friends, I am now the proud plant parent of a purple inch, a prickly pear cactus, and one Chia Sophia. But it’s not enough to just go to a store and buy plants. You have research on how to care for these plants. How to nurture these photosynthesizing creatures to bloom into the fierce foilage they were meant to be.
I have a dream of an entire wall of greenery but first I need to learn how to be a responsible plant parent and care for my bebes. Here are three helpful tips and tricks that I plan on implementing to ensure green thumb success.
Invest in the Right Tools
Shop your local Bookmans Home and Garden sections and visit your local plant nursery to stock up and books and tools that will help your new at-home garden flourish. I firmly believe that when it comes to cooking and gardening, old school is best. Find used books from yesteryear and that will help you identify and fix any problems your green friends are having. Plus the botanical illustrations are always beautiful to look at.
But a book like How Not To Kill Your Houseplants by Veronica Peerless provides foolproof guides and tips to ensure your houseplants thrive. Your local plant nursery can help you find the perfect starter plants and provide you with the right tools. Plus most nurseries have fun workshops and events for would horticulturist. I definitely recommend stopping by and asking for guidance and resources.
Give Them a Personality
They say talking to and naming your plants can help them grow. While evidence of this is a little wishy-washy I do really like the idea of giving my plants and name and talking to them when I care for them. I think it helps me keep my commitment to being a good plant parent plus naming plants can be a fun and creative activity. My plants are Roots Bader Ginsburg (the cactus), Clarrisa (the purple inch) and Sophia (the chia Sophia for obvious reasons). Some other awesome plant names are Erik Liefson, (Herb)ert, and if you have a mother-in-law’s tongue plant, Karen seems appropriate.
The Science of Sound
While talking to your plants might be an old wives tale, there are studies that show plants enjoy music. Botanist around the world has engaged in experiments comparing different genres of music in greenhouses to discover which genres, bands and musicians plants enjoyed more. Resulting in more growth, flowering, and harvest. Though I loathe jazz you can bet I’ll be playing some along with classical to provide a soothing ambiance for my plants. Check out the classical and Jazz sections at your local Bookmans or check out this Spotify playlist dedicated to improving plant growth.
I am just now embarking on the quest but wish me luck and I’ll keep you posted on how these little green guys grow. What are some tips and tricks you’ve found helpful in your own home garden? Tell us in the comments below.
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