Meet Eric and Kyle of Teddy's Bullet
Bookmans Flagstaff added another group of talented musicians to our live music roster. The first Wednesday of every month is fully dedicated to the musical stylings of Eric Dovigi and Kyle Beloin of Flagstaff locals Teddy’s Bullet. We are such big fans Eric and Kyle that we had to share what an incredible talent these guys are. With original songs accompanied by acoustic guitar and banjo, Eric and Kyle provide a unique sound with clever lyrics that cause hipster girls to swoon. You might not know that this talented duo, in addition to owning their rock and roll status, they work at Bookmans. Eric rocks in the book department helping customers find the latest best-seller and Kyle rolls out espressos and green tea fraps to cafe regulars. We sat down with the guys to learn more about how they became Teddy’s Bullet.
To someone who has never heard of Teddy’s Bullet, how would you describe your music?
Our music is a big mix of everything we like to listen to, which changes on a pretty regular basis, but includes calypso, surf rock, folk, classical music, and lots of other things. Kyle’s banjo and our vocal harmonies give things an Americana feel too.
How long have you guys played together?
We’ve been playing for about a year and a half. I’ve known Kyle for about as long, although we had classes together at NAU before we met. Neither of us like “jamming” very much, so when we started playing music together and actually liked it, I knew that he would be a pretty cool friend.
Bookmans is full of book people, what is your favorite book?
Eric: My favorite book is Don Quixote! It helps keep me brave.
Kyle: Walden or Life in the Woods by Henry David Thoreau.
Who is Teddy’s Bullet?
Teddy’s Bullet also includes our friends Ben Beaver on the drums, Ryan Smalley on the bass and Grant Burden on the sax. Grant has just started playing with us and is a super rad musician. They’re all super talented and wonderful dudes.
You can find live music at every Bookmans location. For a complete list of upcoming shows, check out the Bookmans events page. Bookmans Flagstaff has regular live acts the first and second Wednesday and the fourth Friday of every month. If you are a local musician and would like to play at Bookmans contact your local store and ask for the Events Liaison to talk about booking a show.
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