Music and Snacks for the Road
For a large portion of Arizona, the temperatures are starting to rise. That means a significant portion of us will start to take road trips to stay cool. We’re looking at you Bookmans Flagstaff. That cafe, amiright? So, in true road trip spirit, I was curious what my coworkers consider must-haves for their travel adventures. Without further ado, let’s talk music and snacks for the road.
In true Katie fashion, her music playlist includes Iggy Pop – Passenger, Prince – Let’s Go Crazy (Little Red Corvette is cliché, but all Prince is OK by her). Then there’s also Styx’s Renegade, and Lil Kim – Not Tonight (Ladies Night Remix). All to which I replied with a resounding, ‘yesssss’! What does she nosh on in the car? Pretzels and trail mix is her snack of choice. Salty bitch.
Kelly, our Assistant Manager, is like the staff mom. Much like my own mother, she listens to Elvis in the car. A lot. That is to say, there is nothing like listening to the King with the windows rolled down. And also enjoying some Doritos and a Cherry Coke. Classic lady all the way.
As a matter of fact, for Caitlynn, it’s absolutely necessary to have snacks. Snacks that seem like they like were bought by an unsupervised 10-year-old with $20. She needs sweet and salty snacks to go with her music, easy to eat one-handed. That means energy drinks, beef jerky, candy, and granola bars. As for music imagine the perfect karaoke song line up: Queen, Weezer, Michael Jackson, 80’s classics, and New Wave. The ride back is different though. Then she’ll listen to low-key indie music or podcasts. The best ones are true crime ones, she says. Stay sexy and don’t get murdered, Cait.
In all honesty, dear Amy. I imagine her entire family along for the ride. It’s Disney princess soundtracks all the way. That’s a ride I wouldn’t want to miss. Like every great mom, she keeps snacks like trail mix, green grapes, water, and a Dr. Pepper in the van.
Me? I enjoy driving around the great state of Arizona alone. Usually while visiting family up in Flagstaff, I will start my drive with a little bit of Ska. Think Streetlight Manifesto. When I’m ready to sing along, it’s to the Moulin Rouge or Chicago soundtracks. If I’m winding down then I enjoy The Postal Service. As far as snacks go, give me a bag of sunflower seeds and Sour Patch Kids and I’m set.
Driving to explore new places is a fabulous way to create new memories. Moreover, Arizona has so many wonderful places to explore during day trips. If you had to choose one to recommend, what would it be? Also, tell us your music and snacks for the road in the comments below!
To grab some great tunes for your next road trip, visit your local Bookmans. From tapes to CDs and more, we’ve got cool music covered.
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