Recycled CD Suncatcher Tutorial
Bookmans reduces, reuses and recycles as much as possible. Every day people dispose of their old CDs, records, books and DVDs because they don’t know what to do with them. Luckily, a scratch on your CD is not the end. Even if we can’t buff it out, a scratched CD provides an opportunity to create something unique and beautiful. Since June is music month at Bookmans, we decided to get crafty by reusing CDs. We made suncatchers as part of our Kids Events. Here’s how you can make your own.
What you’ll need:
-2 or more DVD or CD discs with at least one silver side
-Yarn or string
-Glue (Elmer’s works fine)
-Plastic gems (optional)
Step 1:
Using paint and gems, decorate the shiny side of your discs however you’d like. You may have to apply a few coats of paint for it to hold on the surface of your disc (you can also try roughing up the CD where you want to paint). Set discs aside to dry.
Step 2:
Once your discs are done drying, apply glue evenly across the back side of your disc. Then stick it to the back side of another dry and decorated disc. Set aside to dry.
Step 3:
Cut a length of ribbon or string and thread it through the center of your disc. Tie ribbon together to create a loop. If you’re creating a multi-tiered sun catcher, you may cut a longer piece of string and tie the discs together, stacking on top of each other. Once your sun catcher is all dry, hang it outside and watch it sparkle in the sun!
For more recycled crafts, check our event listings for in-store craft events. We’ll be posting another CD craft soon.
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